Sunday, May 21, 2006



Six billion people in the planet and exploding. There is a mad scramble to have one's face seen and recognized, to have one's voice be heard above the din of countless minds. Wealth is scarce and the ones who have it want to keep it for themselves and their progeny. One may be poor in material possessions and consider oneself unfortunate. Is there a need to to have more or to stand out? To be a shoulder above the rest? To be a shining example for everyone to emulate? To be sure, there are perks and benefits to being a standout, being popular and an achiever.

One has doors opened, or an exquisite basket of flowers delivered to one's doorstep if one is a beautiful woman. Everyone wants to be your friend or to be close to you and bask in your reflected glory if you are a good athlete, a good singer or a dazzling artist with the guitar. If you have money to throw around friends are not hard to find. What is it about the sun that makes small planets go around it? Is it its brilliance? Its massive size? Come too close and it swallows and incinerates you. Do the planets have an innate knowledge of the benefits to be derived from being close to the sun but not too close? There must be a correlation that can be drawn from this and daily life with people. We talk of gravitating towards something or someone. Is it the same gravitational principle acting in people and things that also governs the attraction and repulsion of the sun and its planets? Does Saturn gain much from its rings to make it different from the rest?

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