Thursday, August 20, 2009


Video site

I would not say that I am too bored, Lord knows that I have so many things that I want to do and 24 hours is barely enough for me. This does not say that everything is so hopelessly hectic. I can take my time and do one thing at a time but my mind moves so fast that I would get bored if I did not get many things done in as short a time as I would like.

I have been testing and experimenting with video sites and this is one result I got:
pop music pop music lyrics m pop musicjapanese pop music jazz music jazz piano keith jarrett beatlescountry music classical music music tutorials jazz lessons piano lessonsbob dylan john lennon beethovensonata cole porter It is a cool tool that takes a list of keywords and gathers videos fro youtube and places then all in neat pages. I like it very much and I am looking forward to playing some more with this software and see what I can come up with.

One thing I need to address though are the website graphics, the headers and what-not.

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Friday, June 26, 2009


Nothing is ordinary

There is nothing ordinary about a life. My life might seem ordinary and drab but that only exists in my own mind. I used to think that everything about me was mundane, that my life was boring and humdrum but that has changed tremendously. I am not ordinary at all and my life is far from ordinary. It has taken me a long time to realize that Life is precious and I don't say that in the poetic or literary kind of way but in the most literal sense.

I have lived in Cagayan de Oro for over a year now. I have gone from planting bananas to creating websites and this is what keeps me busy. I could just keep on making websites and it could mean nothing in the long run but I am pretty sure that something great is bound to happen from this effort.

Right now, I am moving, changing, metamorphosing into something radically different from who I was before and this is mostly to be found in my mind. I do not know if my spirit is moving or has been moved to heights but there is definite change and I am sure of this. Cagayan de Oro City rocks!!!

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Thursday, September 25, 2008



This is a small hole in the middle of a field where a bunch of fish live. These fish are called tilapia. There was water, lots of it when we started digging the hole. When the hole was done and we were about to put the fish in, the water suddenly stopped. It sure sounded suspicious to me and I am going to find out what happened to the water.

Visit also: Cagayan de Oro City

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Ordinarily, I would disagree

Ordinary is good and I would choose it for my life most of the time but when it comes to computers and systems, one would look for something quite extraordinary. Take virtualization for instance, I had gone with Virtualbox because it seemed to have many things going for it. I tried it and got it to install Ubuntu which was what I wanted. So I got the desktop going without too much incidence but I ran afoul of something else (PAE) when I tried installing the server flavor of Ubuntu. There were workarounds which involved a different kernel being installed and removing the one Ubuntu-server had, but somehow I did not think I would want to go that route.

If that is the ordinary behavior of Virtualbox, if it were to be useful only if one went around and did something more, tweak it a bit to get it to work then I would not want that kind of ordinary.

Anyway, here's Cagayan de Oro City with another one: Cagayan de Oro City. My Cebu City site has made pr1, surprise, surprise. Dumaguete is still in the boondocks as far as Google goes but Dumaguete has made some headway.

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Friday, December 21, 2007


Here I sit

This is the way that i want to be. I had been confused and totally depressed with my life. I think that I am probably the worst person to give life to because I craved for death like a coward. I was a coward and wanted the oblivion that death dealt. Foolish man. Stupid soul.

This is nothing but folly. I was stupid and life gave me a jolt.

Come to Ching''s World which is Cagayan de Oro City, Cebu City, Dumaguete, all of which are in the Philippines. Visit Ching''s World. Check out Jonathan Leger''s Search Engine Myths Exposed

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Sunday, November 04, 2007


Is it really ordinary?

Is it part of the norm to suffer the same fate every day? The fate of being ordinary, of being a grain of sand on a beach, a leaf in a forest of leaves. What is less unappetizing is to never change, to have the same thoughts, feel the same emotions every day of your life. I would not mind feeling content if that is the ordinary way to be but, contentment seems to be a rare thing in this world of constant agitation and pervading helplessness. Being oneself and having one's mind with the same old thoughts, how is one to escape the ordinary misery which ordinary life brings? To have a thought that would raise oneself from the ordinary situation of being ordinary and miserable would be extraordinary indeed.

Come into these sites: Squeak Smalltalk Adventure, The Ordinary Life, Politics: Divine Right of Kings and Presidents, Creation, Life, Consciousness.

We all move in the same cycle which we call our lives and rarely rise above our situations of feeling helplessly mired in our ordinariness. To be ordinary is good if ordinary means content and happy. We dig our own holes every day and never even wonder why we never get out of that hole. What to do? Something must have to change. We could perhaps start by changing our minds.

Our favorites are: Ching's World, Green Tea, Dumaguete, Cebu City, Cagayan de Oro City, Papoy, Moira Trinity Cagayan de Oro, Dumaguete, Cebu are all in the Philippines in the world of Ching.

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Friday, August 17, 2007


An Ordinary Website

To live an ordinary life, that is the ideal. That is the way it should be but the universe eschews the ordinary. It must have supernovas and pulsars and black holes, entities that defy imagination. To be a small hydrogen atom is untenable. It will be gathered with the rest of the hydrogen atoms to form vast hydrogen clouds which grow and becoming ever denser until it bursts into a star.

It becomes a brilliant star but one which is merely a speck in a universe of brilliant stars. It is a mere ordinary star if there is such a one. Stars burn and swallow everything close to it and it becomes big and bursts in a million shower of brilliance making way for something else. This is the story of the universe. Brilliance and the spectacular is the order of the universe.

The ordinary life therefore is anathema. It goes against the grain. Is everyone therefore destined to be great and wonderful? Who knows. Ching's World is an ordinary website. Some would even say it is old, passe, decrepit even while young. But if the order of the universe is to be brilliant and spectacular might not Ching's World become brilliant and spectacular at some point in its ordinary life? Ching's World might be destined for greatness.

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