Friday, August 17, 2007


An Ordinary Website

To live an ordinary life, that is the ideal. That is the way it should be but the universe eschews the ordinary. It must have supernovas and pulsars and black holes, entities that defy imagination. To be a small hydrogen atom is untenable. It will be gathered with the rest of the hydrogen atoms to form vast hydrogen clouds which grow and becoming ever denser until it bursts into a star.

It becomes a brilliant star but one which is merely a speck in a universe of brilliant stars. It is a mere ordinary star if there is such a one. Stars burn and swallow everything close to it and it becomes big and bursts in a million shower of brilliance making way for something else. This is the story of the universe. Brilliance and the spectacular is the order of the universe.

The ordinary life therefore is anathema. It goes against the grain. Is everyone therefore destined to be great and wonderful? Who knows. Ching's World is an ordinary website. Some would even say it is old, passe, decrepit even while young. But if the order of the universe is to be brilliant and spectacular might not Ching's World become brilliant and spectacular at some point in its ordinary life? Ching's World might be destined for greatness.

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